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Games to Go: Blend Sounds Together

Say a word ‘in pieces.’
Help the child to blend the pieces into a whole word.

Wa--ter--mel--on . . . “Watermelon!”

Choose the ‘pieces’ to match your child’s skill.


Compound words are easiest to blend:

base--ball, dog--house, rain--bow, light--bulb,
milk--shake, foot--ball, snow--man, cow--boy, pop--corn.


Syllables are easy to blend:

but--ter--fly, as--tro--naut, pa--ja--mas,
di--no--saur, birth--day--cake, al--li--ga--tor, com--pu--ter,
ba--by, bi--cy--cle, dol--phin, ex--er--cise,
el--e--phant, ham--bur--ger, tel--e--vi--sion, cook--ies,
gir--affe, um--brel--la, yes--ter--day, lol--li--pop,
mos--qui--to, por--cu--pine, spa--ghe--tti, zip--per, mac--a--ro--ni,
Ted--dy--bear, wa--ter--mel--on, ti--ger, re--frig--er--a--tor.


First sounds plus endings are a bit harder:

t--ickle, ch--ipmonk.

TIP: Whisper the ’t.’ Whisper the ‘ch.’

Say t--ickle, not ‘tuh-ickle.’ Say ch--ipmonk, not ‘chuh-ipmonk.

Correct pronunciation for the teacher:

  • Whisper   ‘p’,   ’t’,   ‘k’,   ‘f-f’,   ‘h-h’,   ’s-s’,   ‘sh-h,’   ‘ch-h,’.
  • Don’t say puh, tuh,  kuh,  fuh,  huh,  suh,  shuh,  chuh.
  • Avoid adding the ‘uh’ vowel whenever you can.
  • Learn to pronounce the sounds correctly.

P--opcorn,  ee--ellow (yellow),  c--omputer,  z--ipper,
d--olphin,   c--artoon,   c--ookie,   b--icycle,
oo--ishbone (wishbone),   t--elephone,   p--orcupine,
eee--esterday (yesterday),   b--irthday,
m--osquito,   t--elevision,   s--paghetti,   h--hamburger,
d--inosaur,   l--ucky,   t--eddybear,   ch--eese,   f--an,
l--ook,   s--and,   n--ight,   s--at,   r--un,   l--et,
ooo-ish (wish),   sh--ine,   m--ake,   z--oo,
eee--es (yes).


Blending individual sounds is advanced.
Begin with words having a ‘stretchy’ beginning sound: m-m-m, o, p.
Use the list of Easy-Blend Words (PDF).
Then try to blend words with short non-stretchy beginning sounds:
p-ie, d-o-g.

Phonemic Awareness Games to Play, Free

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