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Rapid-Accurate Naming

In reading, it is not just what you know, but how fast you know it.


Rapid-Accurate Naming means thinking of the names of things, quickly and correctly.

bird    rock    sky     water . . .

. . . children learn to name thousands of objects around them.


Letters are objects too.
     They have letter-names like Em, Jay and Esss.
     They have
sound-names like m-m-m, j-j-j and s-s-s.


Whole written words are objects, too.
Some are unfamiliar, and we name them syllable-by-syllable, or even sound-by-sound.


Some words are so common that we learn to name them on sight.

and    the    some    one    people    very

Good readers are able to name words and sounds, rapidly and accurately.

They don’t have to ‘think’ about it.
It is as if the letters announce themselves in the ‘Mind’s Ear.’

Poor readers, though, generally have poor naming of sounds and words.

Children learn Rapid-Accurate Naming of letter-sounds,
and of words, by plenty of accurate practice.

The ‘rapid part develops with experience--as long as the ‘accurate’ part is there.

     Children need to practice at about 85% accuracy--   
     better than 8 out of 10 correct responses--
for best learning.


If your child has learned to name many things around her,
and if she has solid Phonemic Awareness, then there is
every reason to believe she will learn to name letter-sounds
and whole words, too.

It’s a matter of practice to the point of ‘overlearning.’

Some children will need much more practice than others.

This is normal.

As long as the practice is fun, and stays at the level of the child’s success, Rapid-Accurate Naming will grow.


Comprehension depends upon easy, Rapid-Accurate Naming.

When readers have to ‘think about’ sounds and words
before they can name them, reading is hard work.

  • The ‘thinking’ process slows them down.

  • And it is hard to understand when you read too slowly.

  • It is also hard to understand when you have to spend lots of attention just to de-code the writing.


When readers can de-code with the same speed and ease as conversation, then they can comprehend as well as they would
if they were listening.


Rapid-Accurate Naming develops with practice.

Rapid-Accurate Naming is a big key to success in de-coding and comprehension.


Short Cut Through the Treehouse ~ The Whole Treehouse

More on this topic: Practice Rapid-Accurate Naming